§ 2.74.080. Complaints  

Latest version.
  • A. A complaint by a member of the public, hereinafter referred to as "a civilian complaint," or any police officer or civilian employee concerning the Department may be filed either with the Department or the Board. Complaints concerning the Department and filed with the Department shall be forwarded immediately to the Board Secretary. Copies of the complaint shall be made available to each member of the Board, the Board Investigator and the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall investigate such a complaint immediately and file a report of findings with the Board within thirty days. Complaints concerning the Department and filed with the Board shall be investigated immediately by the Board. Copies of the complaint shall be made available to the Chief of Police. The Board shall immediately order a preliminary investigation by its investigative staff. The purpose of such preliminary investigation shall be to determine if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a full investigation of the allegations contained within the complaint by the Board. The preliminary investigation shall be completed within ten days, unless for cause a member of the Board extends such time. No preliminary investigation shall be extended for more than thirty days. After completion of such preliminary investigation, the Board shall either order a full investigation if sufficient evidence exists to warrant same or if sufficient evidence does not exist to warrant same, summarily dismiss the complaint.

    B. In addition to the above, the Board may also cause to be investigated any complaint concerning the Department or its rules and regulations.

    C. The Board Secretary shall keep a public docket of complaints and the disposition of each complaint after investigation.

    D. The Board shall issue a written response to all complaints and it shall deliver a copy of its response and/or findings to all parties.

(Ord. 1018 (part), 1984: prior code Ch. 15 Art. 4 § 7)