§ 2.74.090. Resolution of complaints  

Latest version.
  • A. If a complaint is not resolved as a result of investigation to the satisfaction of the complainant, the respondent employee, or a member of the Board, either the complainant, the respondent employee or the Board member may request the full Board to hear or review the matter. The Board may, as its option, when it determines that a hearing or review is warranted by the evidence, hear or review the matter itself or refer the matter to a fact finder. A representative of the City Solicitor's office shall be present at any hearing before the Board.

    B. The fact finder shall be an attorney and, in the conduct of the hearing, may with the assistance and approval of the City Solicitor, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony and require the production of evidence. To enforce a subpoena or order for production of evidence or to impose any penalty prescribed for failure to obey a subpoena or order, the fact finder shall apply to the appropriate court. The costs of the fact finder shall be borne by the City.

    C. After a hearing, the fact finder shall, within thirty days, submit findings of fact to the Board. The Board, upon receipt of the report of the fact finder, if any, shall within thirty days recommend to the City Manager any discipline to be imposed. Any report or action involving a civilian complaint shall be made public.

    D. Any employee against whom a complaint is filed is presumed innocent and shall not forfeit any pay or seniority rights pending final action by the Board, except with the concurrence of four members of the Board. All pleadings filed and all hearings before the Board and the fact finder which involve a civilian complaint shall be public. The parties to any hearing are the complainant and the respondent employee. Each has a right to counsel. The complainant's case may be presented by the complainant or complainant's counsel. Any probative evidence may be admitted.

(Ord. 1018 (part), 1984: prior code Ch. 15 Art. 4 § 8)